Wildlife Removal Company


This webpage is maintained and operated by Michigan Wildlife Removal L.L.C. d/b/a Pestway LLC (Pestway). We service your locality with technicians who operate near your locality. Pestway is a family owned, operated, and headquartered out of Livonia, MI. Pestway will fulfill your service request. Please see our website at https://mypestway.com/ for more information.

Bat Removal Company

Bat Problems?
Scratching in the walls

Bat Removal Company

Local bat and Wildlife removal Company......

🦇 Exciting News: Expanded Service Areas! 🦇

We are delighted to share that our bat removal services now cover Michigan, Ohio, Indiana, and Kentucky!

By choosing our bat removal company, you’re not just resolving an immediate issue; you’re securing peace of mind for your entire home. Our team of skilled wildlife technicians is committed to offering comprehensive and humane solutions at reasonable prices.

Our Services Include:

  • General bat exclusion and removal
  • Adherence to all DNR rules and regulations

Remember, bats are federally protected animals, and we ensure their safety while addressing your concerns.

Reach out to us today for a consultation and let us protect your home with our reliable bat removal services!

Squirrel Removal Services

At Critter Team LLC, we provide thorough solutions for squirrel removal, trapping, and repairing animal damage.

Hearing scratching or chewing noises in your walls? It might be squirrels gnawing on wires, which can pose a significant fire hazard. Don’t wait until it’s too late – contact Critter Team LLC today for professional help.

Have questions about wildlife removal? We have the answers. Contact Critter Team LLC now to protect your home from unwelcome intruders.

Critter Team LLC Can
Help With
Your Wildlife

🏡 Experience Excellence with Critter Team LLC! 🏡

Critter Team LLC is a trusted provider, serving homeowners and businesses with unmatched service and dedication.

Our Commitment Includes:

  • Punctual scheduling to accommodate your needs
  • Convenient text message confirmations for reassurance
  • Detailed emailed proposals with inspection photos for transparency
  • 24-hour emergency service for urgent situations

Rely on Critter Team LLC for exceptional solutions and an industry-leading commitment to excellence.

It’s raccoon season, and raccoons might invade your home or business to have their babies. If not addressed promptly, this can become costly. If you hear noises or scratching in your attic and suspect a raccoon issue, contact Critter Team LLC today.

Raccoons can spread Roundworm through their feces, posing a risk to humans, cats, and dogs. They also carry canine distemper, which can be fatal for unvaccinated dogs.

Bat Removal Services

General Bat Removal

We provide a full spectrum of bat removal services, including whole-home bat exclusion with a “Chew Proof” solution and an industry-leading lifetime* warranty on all our work. At Critter Team LLC Wildlife Removal, we utilize the best bat removal products available in the industry.


Wildlife Removal Company

We provide High
Quality Wildlife Services

Whether you’re a homeowner or a business owner, we offer squirrel removal, raccoon removal, and mice/rat removal services. Our comprehensive solutions include complete home seal-ups to keep these pests out of your property.

The Significance Of Choosing Professional Wildlife Removal Services

Small animals might seem harmless, but they are better off in nature than in your attic. Bats, raccoons, and squirrels often seek out quiet corners of your property to hide from predators, causing property damage and potential infestations as they chew and scrape through various materials.

These animals can carry viruses that are dangerous to humans. An infestation can spread from the attic to your kitchen and other parts of the house. Using poison to eliminate these animals can create additional problems, such as strong odors from dead animals and the spread of diseases.

Benefits of Choosing Professional Wildlife Removal Services

Hiring professional wildlife removal services ensures the safe and humane removal of pests, returning them to their natural habitat. Here’s why you should consider professional help:

  • Safety: Handling wild animals can be risky due to their potential aggression and the diseases they may carry. Professionals reduce these risks, keeping you and your family safe.
  • Expertise and Tools: Professionals have the knowledge and equipment to identify and trap various animals effectively. They can also locate all entry points in your home.
  • Compliance with Laws: Wildlife removal professionals are familiar with relevant laws and regulations, ensuring legal and humane handling of animals.
  • Repairing Damage: Professionals not only remove animals but also repair any damage they caused, restoring your property.
  • Time Efficiency: Experienced trappers quickly and safely remove animals, saving you time and effort.
  • Humane Removal: Professionals ensure the animals are safely released back into their natural habitat without causing harm.
  • Preventing Future Issues: Experts can identify and seal entry points to prevent future infestations.
  • Maintaining Cleanliness: Wildlife removal services ensure your home is clean and safe from diseases carried by animals.
  • Reliability: Professionals provide long-lasting solutions and educate homeowners on preventing future wildlife problems.
  • Guaranteed Results: Professional services offer effective removal, area sanitization, and preventive measures, often with an estimate provided beforehand.
  • Cost-Effectiveness: Hiring experts can be more economical in the long run, as they efficiently handle the situation and prevent recurring issues.
  • Peace of Mind: Knowing that wildlife is handled humanely and effectively brings peace of mind.


Wildlife removal requires skill and expertise to ensure animals are safely returned to nature. Professional services provide thorough and humane removal while adhering to necessary precautions to protect both animals and humans. Contact an experienced wildlife removal specialist today to ensure your home is free from pests and safe for your family. If you need wildlife removal, please contact us here.

Frequently asked questions about wildlife removal

The starting cost for removing a deceased animal from your residence is $299, with potential increases depending on accessibility. Additional fees may apply for patching drywall to seal off nests and entry points. If the deceased animal is in a crawlspace, attic, or other easily reachable areas, the cost is likely to be lower.

Although it is advisable to hire a professional wildlife removal company, you can try using ammonia-soaked rags to encourage animals to leave. The strong scent of ammonia typically repels most large animals, deterring them from returning to the crawl space. Place these rags at the entrance and along the walls. Additionally, scattering mothballs on the floor of your crawl space may also help.

Since the use of bat pesticides and extermination is illegal, pest control firms employ a method called exclusion. Exclusion entails sealing the primary exits bats use with one-way doors, allowing them to exit safely while preventing reentry. If you observe scratching within your walls, it’s essential to seek the assistance of trained wildlife removal specialists.

Squirrels can cause significant unexpected damage to attic spaces in your home. They chew through electrical wires, water lines made of PVC, and personal belongings. It’s crucial to seal the gaps in your home that allow squirrels to enter your attic.

  1. Contact a Wildlife Removal Service.
    Keep Everyone in Your Home Away From the Attic.
    Thoroughly Clean Your Attic After Wildlife Removal.
    Perform Annual Attic Inspections.
    Seal Up Entry Points.
    Handle Rats.
    Address Squirrels.
    Deal with Raccoons.

Squirrels are capable of lifting your roof shingles and gnawing through the roof decking. They may create openings in your roof soffit or fascia, damage your gutters, and consequently invade your home, causing chaos.

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